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Magnesium is a mineral that is balanced in the body. Magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of muscles and nerves, as well as psychological functions. In addition to magnesium, several other minerals can mean the same for good physical and psychological health as an example.
Foods that contain magnesium include: bread, potatoes, red wine, legumes and also nuts. Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and asparagus also contain magnesium.
Magnesium is an element that occurs in raw materials, vegetable products and meat, among other things. Almost everyone who has a healthy diet does not need extra magnesium. There are two cases where magnesium can be recommended: in long-term bone marrow failure and in people who have back problems or suffer from muscle twitching.
Our magnesium capsules are primarily known for supporting muscles, bones and heart function. It's okay if you need more magnesium, but in the end everyone is different. It doesn't matter whether it is magnesium citrate, magnesium soluble salt, magnesium sulfate or other type. All you have to do is find the right (fiber) sources to get your daily requirement of magnesium. We have collected a few options for you to buy in addition to the supplements of CBD+Sport get more magnesium and you can increase the daily requirement of magnesium in general.
The green vegetables are rich in magnesium. You can choose to eat your vegetables every day and if you did, you would be getting more than half of your daily magnesium requirement. The most magnesium-rich vegetable is spinach. spinach is a good source of magnesium. 100 grams of spinach contains 19,2 mg of magnesium. The following vegetables are also rich in magnesium. Artichoke, 1 serving contains 12,9 mg magnesium and Broccoli, 1 piece contains 6,7 mg magnesium. In smaller quantities, legumes and potatoes contain magnesium
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