Foam rolling is a phenomenon that you initially mainly saw professional athletes do,
but now it is used by athletes of all levels and lifestyles. It is
a way to self-massage your own muscles, the aim of which is to increase blood flow
improve and make muscles more flexible. As a result, your muscles are in optimal condition for the
to deliver best performance. Sounds great, but how exactly does that work? In this blog
we explain the use of a foam roller and how you can use it to reap the benefits yourself
to experience it.
What is a foam roller and how does it work?
Foam rolling is a particular technique for self myofascial release. This is a
scientific term for a method of self-relaxation of muscles and connective tissue.
The foam roller itself is a foam-like cylinder/roller with a smooth or rough structure. By means of
rolling the roller with pressure over so-called trigger points, you ultimately ensure
relaxation. Trigger points are points in muscles that feel painful because there is
knots have formed in the muscles. These are indurations in muscles that are very sensitive
and can disappear by applying pressure. Because not all muscles in you
body are the same, there are also different types of foam rollers available. A
treatment with a foam roller can be quite painful, just like a sports massage or physio massage
are. However, the potential benefits make the pain worth it. Indeed, it can cause
less muscle pain, better blood circulation in the muscles, better removal of waste
and it reduces stiff muscles.
When do you use a foam roller?
The use of a foam roller can be for several reasons. In any case, it is one
effective treatment for reducing muscle pain with or without radiance. Further
can it be used for movement restrictions, stiffness, reduced strength or function
tensing of the muscle, pain and reactions such as dizziness, blurred vision and sweating.
In other words, these are complaints that are caused by one or more
trigger points. A trigger point can arise from a variety of causes, including
overload, an accident, prolonged incorrect (usually static) posture and
psychological factors such as stress.
How do you use a foam roller?
The foam roller is an excellent means to apply yourself with the aim of painful
treat muscles. In most cases, that is, for most muscle groups,
you put the foam roller on the floor and roll over it with the painful muscle group. It is
It is important that the muscle group you are treating is relaxed. By your body weight
use, you create pressure on those muscle knots. It is best to apply this pressure gradually
step up so you don't go through your pain limits. Roll over it a few times
until you feel more relief in the muscles.