When should you take whey protein?

When you follow a fanatical sports schedule or participate in many competitions, you know
probably that rest and nutrition are at least as important as the training itself. It
After strenuous physical exertion, the body needs proteins to repair the damaged
help muscles recover. That's why many athletes use it
protein supplements to meet the increased protein requirement more easily. But
what is the best time for a protein shake with whey protein? In this blog we explain
happy to tell you.

Proteins and muscle recovery

We are probably not telling you anything new with this, but the body uses proteins as
building materials for the muscles. When the body is subjected to heavy physical
exercises, you will get muscle pain in most cases. This is the signal from the muscles that are there
small tears have formed in the muscle tissue that needs to be repaired. First of all
taking rest is of course crucial, but nutrition also plays an important role in the recovery of
muscles. Amino acids are produced from proteins that function as building blocks
for muscle growth. In the damage of muscle tissue after a strenuous workout, it has
body needs these building blocks to repair the muscles and gain more muscle mass
to build. The protein requirement for an average person who does not exercise fanatically is about 1
grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For people who do strength training, the
protein requirement higher, because their muscle tissue is damaged more often and more. For
strength athletes, the protein requirement is therefore usually between 1,5 and a maximum of 2 grams per
kilograms of body weight.

Best time to take whey protein powder

If you've done a little research on protein supplements, you probably know
that there are different types of protein powders on the market. In this blog we focus on
by far the most used type by athletes, namely whey protein, or on its own
Dutch whey protein. This animal form of protein comes from cow's milk, and
therefore easily absorbed by the human body. In addition to whey protein, a
common type of casein proteins, but we leave them out in this blog
consideration. But now back again, because when do you need such a protein shake
use before or after exercise? We recommend at least 30 to 60 minutes after you
workout to take a protein shake, because your body has suffered muscle damage.
After strenuous exercise, the extra proteins contribute to a faster recovery. Also it is
It's not a bad idea to take these extra proteins with your breakfast in the morning. It
using a protein shake before exercise can also have an effect, because you
body can extract energy from it. For a sporty workout, you better use one anyway
choosing a small protein-rich snack or bar so that your stomach is not full during training.

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